Monday, November 17, 2014


"This Blinkie stuff is real brain work,"  Rosco said.   

"How so?"

"Well, what with all these sliders and buttons and tweaky thingies ... any one blinkie turns into a thousand thousand possible blinkies...."

"You mean a kaleidoscope?"  I asked

"What's a keidoscope?"

"A wheel that makes a thousand thousand different blinkies out of coloured chips."

"Well that's what I have,"  Rosco said.

"Well with the three programmes you have now, you have three keidoscopes,"  I said in a somewhat positive tone of voice...

Rosco looked dismayed.

"So ...anyways,  I couldn't decide if I liked the more natural and photographic blinkie or the version made darker and more dramatic like a  keidoscope painting. ...."

"Well,"  I said,  "You have two blogs, so post them both..."

"I have FOUR blogs, Rosco said in a correcting tone of voice, "Smudgies, Blinkies  and ....

"... You started another one?"  

"Yes... the other eye ... where i'll post the film version of the digital or the digital version of the film...."

"Don't you have some bones to dig for,"  I asked?

"Yes... but they can wait."


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